When we reestablished the Club in 2019, one of the core tenets was that all of our messaging should be positive, not negative. This philosophy was borne out of a 2013 Queensland Government program called “Positive or Pointless”. The program espoused the message that when communicating with each other people, and particularly children, people react more favorably to positive messaging rather than negative feedback or criticism. This philosophy aligns well with our Club’s belief that participation in Junior Sport should be both rewarding and fun. If children are being constantly being told they are not doing something correctly they will soon lose the passion for it – It stops being enjoyable and fun.
While this program is no longer actively supported by the Qld Govt, at MCJAFC we believe that the key principals are still valid and as such have decided to retain much of the content of the program.
The program requires that all people involved with junior Sport act and behave in a positive way and as such there is a Positive or Pointless guide for each of the following participating groups:
~ Parents,
~ Players,
~ Coaches, and
~ Officials.
We urge you to have a read of the Positive or Pointless Program materials provided below and ask that you abide by their guidelines.
Thank-you for your cooperation! Let’s make the Junior sporting experience the best it can be!
Since reinvigorating the Club in 2019 a number of Policies have been developed to provide guidance to Club members around a number of Club Management activities. These Policies are listed below with a link to the actual Policy document:
- Anti-Vilification & Discrimination Policy – CLICK HERE – to view policy document
- Illegal Drugs Policy – CLICK HERE – to view policy document
- Healthy Food & Drink Policy – CLICK HERE – to view policy document
- Life membership Policy – CLICK HERE – to view policy document
Since reinvigorating the Club in 2019 a number of Procedures have also been developed to provide guidance to Club members around a number of Club Management activities. The creation of many of these procedures were instigated following the occurrence of a particular event. These events highlighted a need to define a process to document how similar events should be handled in the future. Current MCJAFC Procedures are listed below with a link to the actual Process document:
- MCJAFC Complaint Handling Procedure – CLICK HERE – to view procedure
(formal Complaint Form – CLICK HERE – to view form)
- MCJAFC Game Day Incident Management process – CLICK HERE – to view process flow document
Other procedures / processes are being developed and will be listed here when completed.